Table of Contents


Remote Path for SABnzbd

When using Sonarr on a different system than SABnzbd you will need to use the Sonarr Remote Path Mapping option.

On Sonarr the “Remote Path” will be the drive and folder that is local to the SABnzbd system (e:\sabnzbd\). The “Local Path” will be the UNC share the Sonarr system uses to access the SABnzbd system (\\sonarr.DOMAIN.COM\sabnzbd\).

When SABnzbd completes downloading a file it will report that it is available at “e:\sabnzbd\folder”. The remote path mapping will modify the reported available location to be “\\\sabnzbd\folder”. This is required since SABnzbd reports the drive local to itself and does not report the UNC share.

Add show via The TVDB id

Vist and locate the desired show. The show ID will be located to the right of the show name in the search results, or in the URL, as “series&id=123456”. Then in Sonarr go to “Series” - “Add Series” and search for the show based on its tvdb id in the format “tvdbid:123456”.