VyOS General

Load SSH Key

$ configure
# loadkey USERNAME scp://USERNAME@REMOTEHOST/home/USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# save

Backup configuration via SSH

$ scp USERNAME@VYOSHOST:/config/config.boot ./LOCALDIR/VYOS-DATECODE.txt

On the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter you will need to do the following;

$ config
# sudo vi /opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-load-user-key.pl
    # my $cmd = "curl -#";
    my $cmd = "curl -k -#";
# loadkey USERNAME scp://USERNAME@REMOTEHOST/home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# save

IPSec VPN logs are not shown with the show log vpn ipsec command so you need to use the following

sudo journalctl | grep charon

You can also up the daemon logging level.

set system syslog global facility daemon level all